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Today's tune recommendation: Electric Wire Hustle

June 29, 2011

My Kroger Theory -

Happy Wednesday!

Today's post is kind of random but I experienced my theory earlier in the week so I decided to write about it.

I've had a theory about the music played at various Krogers around town. This past Monday evening, after running into a Kroger for a couple of items, my theory was once again confirmed. I've also had a witness with me a few times (including Monday night) that now agrees with me.

Basically, I've come to the conclusion that Kroger has made a deal with Eddie Money & Taylor Dayne to play their music exclusively. More times than I can count, I have been in a Kroger (especially Belle Meade or Green Hills) and either Take Me Home Tonight (Video) or I'll Be Your Shelter (Video) comes on at some point while shopping. I usually start to sing along with each song just because it makes grocery shopping a little more entertaining. I'm just dumbfounded that these random artists are the main source of music used to accompany folks while they buy groceries?!

*Note - now that I've actually looked at the lyrics for Take Me Home Tonight - the first verse is very appropriate for food shopping. Check it out to the left. ;)

I think what happened is that Eddie and Taylor decided that they might not be able to make much money in music anymore so they made a deal with Kroger to have their songs played every other hour. Even if that's not the case, I think if I was an aging artist - it would be something I would consider. 

I might start to keep count of how many times this happens or maybe keep a log of when it happens just to come up with a number for proof. I've been using my SHAZAM app lately so that could be a good way to keep up with it.

Has anyone else ever noticed these songs playing at Kroger?? Do you have any random music theories like this?

Next time you happen to be in a Kroger - try to listen and see if Eddie Money or Taylor Dayne come along for your fabulous shopping experience.....

A few other songs from their collections that might be played as well:

Eddie Money - Two Tickets to Paradise, Shakin', I'll Get By

Taylor Dayne - Tell It To My Heart, Don't Rush Me, Love Will Lead You Back

These songs easily get stuck in your head so watch out!

1 comment:

  1. You are too funny. Makes me want to stop shopping at Harris Teeter and go back to Kroger to test your theory.
