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Today's tune recommendation: Electric Wire Hustle

June 22, 2011

This week in music....

I wanted to share with you a couple of things I've enjoyed this week with music.

As some of you know, one of my favorite TV shows besides The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart is The Colbert Report. I love both of those guys - they are brilliant & hilarious. I hope to catch a live show one of these days so if you have a way to get tickets, let me know!

What does this have to do with music? Well, all this week on The Colbert Report - Mr. Colbert is having a "Summer Concert Series" called STEPHEST COLBCHELLA '011.  Each night he has a different musical guest perform. I watched Monday & Tuesday which were both fantastic. I suggest you tune in tonight & tomorrow or go to the website & catch up on all this weeks episodes HERE.  (plus you can watch a few bonus performances by the artists)

The line up is as follows:

Monday - Bon Iver performed Calgary from his new album Bon Iver (which I'm happy to say that I WILL be attending his show at The Ryman in July!)

Tuesday - Florence & The Machine performed Dog Days Are Over from the soon to be released 2nd album (I will also get to see her live since my girl, Carrie, informed me that she will open for U2) Did you know she was discovered in the girls bathroom at some bar? Crazy!

Wednesday - Talib Kweli will perform. I've never heard of him but apparently he is a rapper from Brooklyn. I listened to a little sample on Amazon and he sounds pretty good.

Thursday - Jack White and The Black Belles perform. I've actually seen Jack White around town a couple of times and like some of my friends who have seen him live before have said-- he has a major presence when he walks into a room, it's infectious. I'm not familiar with The Black Belles but looking forward to checking it out.

You get to laugh and listen to great music all in one fabulous show. Two of my absolute favorite things to do!!

The other thing I wanted to share was that I went to see Hangover II last night. Many people I talked to that had seen it didn't really care for it. I thought it was pretty funny even though it was the same format as the first. I love Zach Galifianakis though so he could just be standing there & I would probably start laughing. (I'm a sucker for a good comedian)

As I was watching, I noticed the soundtrack and how much I liked every song. I vaguely remember the first Hangover soundtrack but I know I didn't like the song - You Spin Me Right Round - until they put it at the end while showing the pictures of what happened. Weird, right?!  Yep, now I like the song and will actually listen to it.

Then I went home and looked it up to see exactly which songs were on it. So many times on movie soundtracks they will leave off songs that were in the movie, this bothers me. Thankfully the songs I liked were all on the second soundtrack which you can listen to samples of HERE.

Do you have any favorite movie soundtracks? (besides Garden State, ha!)

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, I'm going to U2 as well. Cannot wait. Cherie had an extra ticket and asked me to be her date. One of my life goals is to see them live. Check. Now we just gotta go to a Peter Gabriel concert together. :)

    Saw Jack White and Marche and yes, he definitely has a major presence when he walks in the room.

    Favorite soundtrack? That's a tough one. I used to listen to Dream A Little Dream over and over when I was young. Remember?
