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Today's tune recommendation: Electric Wire Hustle

March 30, 2011

Let's Play!

So while listening to my ipod for the challenge, I realized that I would keep trying to guess the song or artist that randomly came on before it got to the chorus. This made me think of the game show Name That Tune which I sometimes watched in syndicate back in the day.... I love to turn anything I'm doing into a game. (being a game freak that I am)

I decided to check out some clips of the ol' game show in hopes that I could remember exactly how it was played. It's hilarious to go back and see what people were wearing, the old sets, hosts, etc. --I kinda wish there was an updated version of the game so I could play along. I think I would be pretty damn good, I am in my car at least!
The following is a short clip of the part of Name That Tune that I remember most. Sorry the sound is so low but all the clips were pretty rough:
(For those who have heard my office story - PLEASE note what the guy wins at the end, cracks me up & I think that was the original one we had in the office!)
While searching for clips, I came across another musical game show that I had never heard of called Face The Music.  It seems pretty entertaining as well and is an interesting take on the use of songs/what people have to figure out?!  Here is a funny clip from that show:

Well in talking about these games & songs, I tried to come up with a few tunes that included the word game or was about playing games...
Short List:
* Love Is A Losing Game - Amy Winehouse
* The Name Of The Game - ABBA
* Wicked Game - Chris Issak
* Name Game - (not sure who it's by but the one that goes "Cristy, Cristy bo bisty, banana fanna fo fisty...)

Do any of  you try to guess the song or artist after hearing the first few notes? How many notes can you name a tune in?  I can name that tune in 1 note!! Yep, I'm that good ;)

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